Things have been a roller coaster ride for Princess Love and Ray J, and it looks like things are still rocky between the two of them.
Yesterday Ray J posted some behind the scenes footage of Princess while she was taking her maternity photos. In the video clips, you can hear Ray J cheering on his wife as she posed for her photos. Shortly after news started to circulate that they were back together and working things out.
However, a source exclusively revealed to us, that was not the case and they are not back together. In fact, the source revealed that Ray J was only present to watch their daughter Melody and that Princess was unaware that he was recording videos of her and posting them to his Instagram.
The source added that Princess and Ray J have only been communicating when it comes to their daughter and that she is not trying to stop him from seeing her.
As we previously reported, things first jumped off after Princess took to social media and accused Ray J of leaving her and their daughter stranded in Las Vegas following the Soul Train Awards.
One thing led to another, and Ray J blocked Princess from his account and eventually, they started calling each other out through social media, and that’s when Princess revealed that she wanted a divorce.
As you all know, the estranged couple is currently expecting their second child together, a baby boy.
Chile! The holidays are definitely going to be interesting this time around. Roommates, tell us your thoughts below!
TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94
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