49 year old Gordon Ramsay of Hell’s Kitchen may have some explaining to do… Just kidding! The chef received a bit of a surprise when a fan tweeted a picture of her son who looks. exactly. like. him.
His name is Arlo-Blue and he’s from Cardiff, Wales. The boy’s mother, Claire Dempster, jokingly tweeted Ramsay the picture of her son along with the caption, “This is our baba — have you been in Wales for any reason around 10 months ago?” Of course, Ramsey’s fans flooded his mentions with her tweet and he finally replied, “Yes about 11 months ago.”
Oh, Gordon! Hell is hot and so is his kitchen, but at least he’s got a sense of humor.
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!
Source: http://www.today.com/parents/baby-gordon-ramsay-s-doppelganger-even-celeb-chef-sees-resemblance-t95261?cid=sm_fbn