Dear TSR,
This isn’t your usual celebrity tea spilling kind of story but I recently seen the love/hate comments on the Tyra Banks post with her man who is white. My name is Jacob Michael Mason, I’m actually emailing you right now to share a very similar struggle I’ve endured these past few weeks.
I’ll start off by letting you know I just turned 22. Last year around this time I created the concept of (interracial dating website) to break down the barriers of intimidation within interracial dating. After an entire year, we finally launched the very first free interracial dating site. During the last few days of being launched (6 days now) the website and had 6000 sign ups in 6 days. That was truly a blessing. I guess you’re wondering why is this story controversial, right?
Well, my Facebook page blew up with this picture (attached) wearing I love chocolate girls t-shirt, it reached over 4,000,000 people in over 1 month. Then my tweets on black women’s rights blew up on Twitter. It happened out of nowhere and as a result I received an outpouring of hate. Along with the negativity 100’s of 1000’s of people shown their love & support through their messages & comments. Most of the hate derived from black men claiming I was stealing their women. I made a reaction post to that on my instagram (@JacobMason11). During this whole process I’ve had over 500 death threats from all spectrums of people… Very detailed I might add:
This will not stop me from appreciating black women for who they are. This is no fetish and you’ll be able to see that reading through my posts. Never do I sexualize black women on any outlets, I appreciate all the struggle/beauty they possess in this day and time.
My social media:
Instagram: @JacobMason11
Twitter: @JacobMason21
Pingback: Roommate Talk: Dear TSR, I’m A Man Who Loves Black Women But I’m Not Black And People Don’t Like It – DATFIX.COM
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