If you have never watched Friday or don’t know who Gerald Levert is then you might need your black card revoked! Whenever we have fallen short of our Blackness, we immediately hand over our black card, because we should know the electric slide and you should know all of the lyrics to Hold On by En Vogue. All of these things hold a special place in our culture, right?
Well, I am delighted to show you this game we came across today called ‘Black Card Revoked’! It’s one of two card games (The other is Girl’s Night Out!) from Cards For All People. Yes, they are black owned and yes this game is hilarious! They describe the game as, “A fun and nostalgia-filled game celebrating American black popular culture. It’s bound to invoke hilarious debates among young and old alike. Don’t get your black card revoked!”
Just as I explained before, whenever you are unaware of any particular facet of black culture, then you lose your black card. The questions range from music to television and even explores questions that may be asked in a black home, for example: “When Grandma tells you to “rench it off”, what do you need to complete the task?” The answer, of course is water! This game is revolutionary, because we can finally acknowledge having a tangible black card!
If you’d like to put ‘Black Card Revoked’ on your Christmas list, then click here! Roommates, are you here for this game, ’cause we are!
TSR Intern: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!
Source Cited: http://www.cardsforallpeople.com/product/cards-for-all-people-original-pack