We previously posted a video of a 15-year-old football player at Wake High School named Micah Spee who had had enough when it came to being bullied by another racist student at his North Carolina high school.
In the video, you can see Micah pull the backpack of his racial attacker causing him to fall to the ground before he calls Micah a “Black piece of sh*t.” A teacher is then seen trying to apparently deescalate the commotion but you can also her turn to Micah and tell him that all of the racial slurs and bullying he endured were “all just words” and that he shouldn’t have defended himself physically.
Since the fight, which happened to take place on Friday, Micah was suspended for 10 days while the bully got nothing. Well Micah is now telling his side of the story and he says he isn’t a violent person but he couldn’t take the vicious cycle of racial harassment a day longer after going through it for months.
“I want to say I’m not a violent person. That’s not who I am … Everybody who’s known me and that knows me currently knows that I try to avoid confrontation and I usually laugh things off, but I was just pushed over the breaking point,” he told ABC 11.
“He said things like … I need to name my son ‘Convict’ and ‘Crackhead’ … because that’s what they’ll grow up to be,” Speed went on to say. “He threw the N-word around very loosely, said things that I looked like I bathed in coffee beans and dirt.”
Speed also says he has reported the bullying to teachers three times and nothing was done. Well students at his school have stood in solidarity with Speed as they protested after every period in support.
As for now, there hasn’t been any word on if the school will lift Micah’s suspension. Thoughts?
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Source: http://abc11.com/news/student-in-video-says-he-couldnt-take-it-anymore/1786716/