Clearly life after the Oval Office has keeps getting better and better for The Obamas because word on the street is there is a bidding war for the rights to their memoir!
The Financial Times reports that Barack and Michelle Obama’s memoirs will sell for no less than $60 million!!!! Apparently, both want to separately write their book but off it as a packaged deal to the publishing company of their choice.
The multi-million dollar price tag breaks Bill Clinton’s $15 million book deal record following the completion of his presidency back in 2000.
As of now, it looks like Penguin House is in the lead most likely because Barack used the same publishing company to write his other three books.
It is also reported that publishing companies, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster and Macmillan are all also have a leg in the race.
Moral of the story: The Obamas stay winning!! Let’s chat below!
TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue