Categories: Celebs

Janelle Monae Says That Kim Burrell Will Not Appear On The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Recently gospel singer Kim Burrell has been receiving tons of backlash for the criticizing comments she made towards the LBGT community.

After her comments people started to question an upcoming appearance she was to make on the Ellen DeGeneres show with Pharrell Williams, to promote the new film ‘Hidden Figures.’

Recently TMZ caught up with Janelle Monae, one of the stars of the film, and asked if she thinks Ellen should cancel Kim Burrell’s scheduled performance. Janelle will also appear on the January 5th show to promote the film.

Janelle simply responded, “I don’t think she’s performing.” She then confirmed that Kim Burrell will not be performing.

She continued to say, “I’m a huge advocate for the other, and I don’t stand for any hate speech, or anything that targets our fellow brothers and sisters in a negative way.”

Kim Burrell appears on the soundtrack for the film, on a track called “I See Victory,” along with Pharrell Williams.

Check out the encounter below:



Jade Whiteside