Categories: Celebs

Young Thug Sued For $18k After Skipping Out On Chauffeur Bill

Karma must really have a bone to pick with Young Thug because just days after getting arrested at a shopping mall, the ATL rapper was slapped with a lawsuit!

Apparently, the 25-year-old decided to have him and his friends driven around by a Hollywood car service but when the bill came he ran off on the plug!

TMZ is reporting that Hollywood Stars Limousine is suing Thugger for the $18, 676 bill he racked up after enjoying a summer using their services.

We don’t know where in Hollywood would be worth $18k for a ride but according to court documents, Young Thug has been driven around for a total of 11 times. After realizing that he wasn’t about to pay his tab, HSL ran to the courts to have a judge force him to.

Hopefully Young Thug can get rid of his bad juju quick because this looks like it’s getting worse for him!


TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue
