Categories: Celebs

Dylann Roof’s Shown Laughing After He Admits To Mass Shooting In Confession Tape— Mother Suffers Heart Attack During Opening Statements In Mass Shooting Trial


The trial for mass murderer Dylann Roof has begun and it already has taken a chilling turn.

On the first day, this past Wednesday, opening statements nearly killed Roof’s mother, Amy Roof, as it was reported that she suffered a heart attack.

“Highlighting the emotional nature of the proceedings, the media noted that following the opening statements, the defendant’s mother required emergency medical attention,” read the defense filing.

“She was admitted to the hospital with a heart attack.”

After her fall, Amy emotionally apologized to the crying family members of the victims and court security.

Well today, day three, Roof’s confession tape was played for the 12 jurors describing what happened the day he killed 9 innocent church goers.

“I went to that church in Charleston, and, uh, I did it,” an emotionless Dylann Roof told the FBI according to the NY Post.

When asked about how many people he thought he killed he replied, “Five, not really sure…Maybe four?”

He goes on to tell FBI Investigator Michael Stansbury that the shooting happened very quickly and he didn’t bother to say anything to any of his victims before letting off his bullets.

If that wasn’t enough, what he said next made it clear that his agenda was to kill as many Black people as possible.

“What I did is still miniscule to what they’re doing to white people every day,” he claimed said.

Hopefully, this trial raps up soon and he meets his fate… lets chat below!

TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue
