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Top Ten Propositions That Mean Just As Much As Who You Vote For!

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been the main topics of discussion during this 2016 election campaign—rightfully so, but let’s not forget the smaller details on the ballot that matter just as much as who you vote for.

Ballot measures—more widely known as propositions. Ballot measures are pieces of proposed legislation that need to be voted on for approval by voters. Most legislation is developed and passed by an elected legislature.

Amongst 34 states, 157 propositions have been made and here are the ten that we feel are most important! Now we came across some that made us think “this is really being voted on?!” Like California’s proposition for the requirement of condoms during porn production.

But there were some that are good food for thought.

10. Education and taxes (Prop 55) – Prop 55 or the tax extension to fund education and healthcare in a nutshell protects public schools from massive budget cuts, allows for schools to hire more teachers to prevent overcrowded classrooms, keeps community college tuition down, and keeps taxes the same as opposed to raising them! According to the California voter’s guide, Prop 55 would also hurt small business and kill certain jobs.

9. Law Enforcement – there are propositions in 6 different locations for law enforcement related measures but the one that stands out most that also made it to the ballots is a measure to change how in-custody deaths and officer-related shootings are reviewed. We all know how important this prop is! If voted against, just might not require any kind of monitoring or special review. That’s no Bueno!

8. Rehab programs – a lot of the time as a country we try and eliminate the problem of drugs instead of focusing on what causes drug use! Prop 781, according to would take the money that was saved by “reclassifying certain property and drug crimes as misdemeanors and would “fund rehabilitative programs, including substance abuse and mental health treatment programs.” Mental health is a major issue being brought up, especially amongst African-Americans.

7. Legalize marijuana (CA Prop 64) – So this proposition isn’t only lit because it makes marijuana legal if you’re 21+ but it would cut down on criminal justice costs and could rake in a whopping $1B in tax revenue.

6. Crime Victims Rights (prop 57) – voting yes to this proposition would grant non-violent criminals perks like enhanced goojd behavior incentives and increased parole. Furthermore, the decision for juveniles to be tried as adults in court would be determined by a judge as opposed to prosecutors!

5. Minimum Wage (AZ Prop 206) – All in favor of minimum wage being $12 by 2020 and guaranteed PTO for sick days say “I!” If voters vote yes for this proposition on the ballots, beginning in 2017 minimum wage will go up to $10/hr and by 2020 it will reach $12. On top of that sick days will be guaranteed paid time off! The downside of this being passed is certain states would drop their minimum wage.

4. Gun control (CA Prop 63) – Gun control continues to finds its way into conversation again and again. How’s this for a conversation starter: with a majority yes vote, would not only support prohibiting the possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines but also require individuals to pass a background check.

3. Healthcare (CA Prop 52) – Basically there would be a continued dedicated fee unless changes are approved by voters. A yes vote would also extend the fee program beyond 2018.

2. (And 1) Death penalty (CA Prop 62 & 66) Prop 62 would repeal the death penalty if passed; which means death row sentences would become life without parole. On the other hand you have Prop 66 which speeds up the death sentence penalty. So basically we would be looking at new time limits on conviction reviews by the court system.

TSR STAFF: Chantel P.! @_POPchanny on IG! 

Kyle Simpson

Kyle Anfernee is the youngest out of The Shade Room Crew. Kyle is currently finishing his bachelors at Pepperdine University, and is expected to graduate this April with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. Kyle joined TSR back in October as an Intern, and has since been added to the team. Watch out for Kyle because he's on track to be the next Terrence Jenkins for sure!