Categories: Celebs

Wale Slapped With Lawsuit After Concert Promoters Alleged He Was A No Show After Pocketing $25k!

Wale is in the hot seat after a promoting company accused him of running off with their money!

According to TMZ, promoters from Upfront and Personal Global are suing the DC rapper after they accused him of being a no show at a concert they scheduled him to headline in NYC last summer.

Apparently, Wale was paid in $25k in advance in two separate payments for $12.5k each. There was also an alleged contract signed so basically he’s in trouble for breach of contract.


UPG is asking for their $25k back plus interest since Wale allegedly decided to go missing after he was questioned about a refund. Maybe he’s just been a little tied up in making new music and his new baby girl, hopefully they can come to some resolution. Let’s chat below!




TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG
