Categories: Celebs

Floyd Mayweather Is Here For All Lives Matter And Says “Don’t Give Nobody A Hard Time” In Response To Black Men Being Killed By Police

Floyd Mayweather decided to talk on something other than his endless money and now he’s being dragged for it.

“The Boxing Voice” caught up with the retired undefeated boxer at a Mayweather Promotions event in Las Vegas where Floyd talked about his view on the Black Lives Matter movement and why he actually believes in “all lives matter.”


“I’m here to say all lives matter,” he said. “A lot of times, we get stuck, and we are followers. When you hear one person say, ‘black lives matter,’ or ‘blue lives matter’ ― all lives matter. What I learned from boxing and what everyone can take in real life is follow directions, follow orders. Don’t give nobody a hard time.”

He goes on to explain his comment on following directions which may be a dig at recent police shootings where Black men were seen running before being shot.

“It’s not right what’s going on within this world on both sides,” and suggested that people need to “communicate better” and “follow directions,” since there’s “rules and regulations to everything.”

If you thought his words ended there, guess again. He turned his words on Colin Karpernick and his National Anthem protest.

“Kaepernick needs to try and get the starting job. Stand up, and get the starting job. That’s what he needs to focus on,” he said, “But I can’t knock him. If that’s what he believes in and the people stand behind him, so be it. He’s got the number one selling jersey, so it’s obvious he’s doing something right.”

Well it’s no surprise that social media was going to have a field day with this and began his relentless dragging:


I guess it’s safe to say some athletes need to stay in sports. Let’s chat below!

TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue