Categories: Celebs

White Pastor Ordered To Remove ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shirt At Trump Rally

Mark Ferrin, a white Baptist pastor, has been to two different Trump rallies–he was asked to remove his Black Lives Matter shirt at both events.

According to Buzzfeed, the 65 year old pastor was ordered to remove his Black Lives Matter shirt after he was pulled aside by Trump security officers at a Trump rally in New Hampshire last Thursday.

When the pastor asked them why he was being asked to remove his shirt, the security officers said, “because that’s a protest.” Naturally, the pastor responded by saying, “I thought this was my First Amendment right.”

The officers were not here for it and told him that they would have to “escort you out if you don’t put your shirt back on,” adding that First Amendment rights were ‘out the window’ because it was a private event.

Apparently the security offered to hold onto the shirt and give it back to the pastor after the rally because they didn’t want it to ’cause any problems.’ Hmmm.. That’s a problem in itself right there but that’s none of my business.

“A lot of people here said to me that ‘all lives matter,’ the pastor said. “I tried to explain to them that I don’t think all lives actually matter until black lives also matter.” He added. Yasss pastor, preach!

Buzzfeed reports that the pastor identifies as a liberal-leaning independent. He will however be voting for Hillary Clinton because he “really doesn’t want Trump to get in.”

TSR STAFF: Thembi M. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter

Via: Buzzfeed
