Categories: Celebs

Blind Hoarder Discovers She’s Been Living With Her Son’s Dead Corpse For The Last 20 Years!

Earlier this month, an elderly woman named Rita Wolfensohn suffered a fall and had to be admitted to the hospital, so her sister-in-law  Josette swung by Rita’s Brooklyn home to grab a couple of personal items. Unfortunately for Josette, she found more than what she was looking for ….”a fully-intact skeleton, wearing a t-shirt, jeans and socks, lying on a mattress on the floor.” It turns out that the remains belonged to Rita’s son.

According to the NY Post, an officer described the discovery as if it was a page out of a “reverse ‘Psycho’ scene.” You know, Norman Bates who kept his dead mother’s body in the basement. Anyway, you’re prob ably  thinking, ‘How in the world did she not know her son died in her home?!’ Well, aside from the place being riddled with garbage and smelling of rotten food, Mrs. Wolfensohn is legally blind so it may provide answers as to why she was unaware of her dead guest. In fact, the Wolfensohn Family claims to not have seen or heard from Louis in 20 years!!

Even though the identity of the corpse has yet to be released, Rita only has two sons, Michael and Louis, unfortunately Michael passed back in 2003 which only leaves her son, Louis. It appears that he had also died of natural causes. He had just turned 49 this past Sunday.

The family does plan to have a funeral for him soon and wishes to remain private on the details around his death until after the services are over.

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!