Categories: Celebs

Woman Hacks Her Man’s Phone To Warn Him About Cheating

There are definitely two types of partners in the world, ones who trust their significant other, and ones who try to keep them in check every step of their relationship! Which one are you Roommates?

This woman’s text message to her boyfriend has gone viral after she texted him from his own phone telling him to set her pictures that have the wording “I’m watching you” as his lock screen and home screen; in which he responded “Lmfaooooo I’d never cheat.”


Now this could be nothing but fun and games between a couple having fun with each other–or she could be completely serious, or both I suppose.

According to Elite Daily, she apparently, she also “makes” him keep his read receipts on too.. Some may say that’s team too much, some may say she’s doing nothing wrong.

Have you ever been cheated on Roommates? Do you think there is anything you could have said or done to your partner to prevent that from happening, or does it all come down to trust at the end of the day?

Tell us some of the things you’ve said or done to your partner to keep him or her from cheating on you Roommates!! Let’s chat!


TSR Staff: Thembi M. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter
