Categories: Celebs

Ozzy Osbourne In Therapy Recovering From Sex Addiction

Back in May, it was revealed that Ozzy Osbourne was having an affair with his hair dresser for four years. It strained his marriage to wife, Sharon, and for many of us, we thought it was the end for this iconic couple. Thankfully, Sharon has remained by her husband’s side as he has been in treatment for sex addiction at 67 years old.

“Over the last 6 years, I have been dealing with a sex addiction,” the singer said in a statement. “I’m sorry if Ms. Pugh took our sexual relationship out of context. I’d also like to apologize to the other women I have been having sexual relationships with. Out of bad comes good.”

Thankfully Ozzy is recovering from his addiction and has been in therapy since his relationship with his hairdresser was outed. “Since the press exposed this I have gone into intense therapy. I am mortified at what my behavior has done to my family. I thank God that my incredible wife is at my side to support me.”

Back in June, Ozzy’s ride or die, Sharon told the LA Times that she’d take her husband back under one condition. She just wanted him to put some respeck on her name! “I admire and respect him. And that’s what I expect back: respect. … I didn’t get that. It’s very hurtful when you don’t get that respect and consideration from your partner,” she said.

We really hope this couple can pull through! Without Sharon, Ozzy really isn’t Ozzy.

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!