Categories: Celebs

Michael Jordan Finally Breaks His Silence On Police Brutality

It is no secret that the Black community drops millions of dollars on the latest Jordan sneakers each year, making former basketball star, Michael Jordan a major  influence in Black culture. Well with that being said many have criticized him on his radio silence when it comes to the racial turmoil going on today …. Well today he has finally spoken.

In a letter posted to ESPN’s The Undefeated, Jordan says he can “no longer stay silent” on the topic of police brutality and how it is plaguing the country.
“As a proud American, a father who lost his own dad in a senseless act of violence, and a black man, I have been deeply troubled by the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement and angered by the cowardly and hateful targeting and killing of police officers,” Jordan wrote. “I grieve with the families who have lost loved ones, as I know their pain all too well.”

He doesn’t go into specific details on whose death really compelled him to speak but he makes it clear that a solution needs to come soon.

“I was raised by parents who taught me to love and respect people regardless of their race or background, so I am saddened and frustrated by the divisive rhetoric and racial tensions that seem to be getting worse as of late. I know this country is better than that, and I can no longer stay silent. We need to find solutions that ensure people of color receive fair and equal treatment AND that police officers – who put their lives on the line every day to protect us all – are respected and supported.”

If his words came as a surprise, don’t worry he didn’t stop there, he also vowed to put his money where his mouth is and donate $1 million to two organizations in support of the fight.

“To support that effort, I am making contributions of $1 million each to two organizations, the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s newly established Institute for Community-Police Relations and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The Institute for Community-Police Relations’ policy and oversight work is focused on building trust and promoting best practices in community policing. My donation to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the nation’s oldest civil rights law organization, will support its ongoing work in support of reforms that will build trust and respect between communities and law enforcement. Although I know these contributions alone are not enough to solve the problem, I hope the resources will help both organizations make a positive difference.”

Hopefully this will be the push that America needs to really make a change! Check out the rest of his Letter and let’s chat below!


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