Categories: Celebs

Nick Cannon Releases New “Divorce Rappers” Freestlye


Nick Cannon decided to pull his mic out and released a freestyle today relating to his life complications and of course his divorce to singer Mariah Carey

The couple split back in August 2014 but have yet to become officially divorce.  Mariah has moved on and found love else where, but in this song Nick is hurt.

The freestyle talks about many things but the main thing Nick is concerned about is his children.  In a verse he ,”wonders if his son will doubt him,” just based on what the media says.  He wants to be a great father and be able to see and spend time with his children, and it hurts him to hear his kids having fun without him.

Nick shares a lot of deep thoughts in this song and says that everyone is making him out to be a bad guy.  He says the government sucks and he doesn’t want to be another “black daddy” statistic.  The main thing is the relationship with his children.

How do you all feel about this song?

TSR Staff: Dani Renee’ IG: @__danirenee
