Categories: Celebs

Cleveland Settles With Tamir Rice’s Family For $6 Million But Still “Acknowledges No Fault” In His Death

It has been reported that Tamir Rice’s family reached a settlement for the federal lawsuit they filed against the city of Cleveland for his death.

According to CNN, Cleveland will pay Tamir’s family $6 million even though the terms of the agreement will maintain that the city “acknowledges no fault in Tamir’s death.”

His family argued that the 911 dispatcher failed to tell police that the gun Tamir had was most likely a toy which created the “perfect storm of human error, mistakes and communications.”

For those who aren’t familiar with the story, 12-year-old Tamir Rice was killed by Officer Timothy Loehmann back in November 2014 when he was alerted about a boy playing a gun. Just moments after arriving to the scene, Officer Loehmann, who was a trainee at the time, shot and killed Tamir not realizing that the gun was a toy. His story made headlines when video footage was recovered from the incident. 


Tamir family’s lawsuit also claims that Officer Loehmann was not fit to be a police officer and that the city should have done better with choosing who is allowed to wear the blue uniform.

Mayor Frank Jackson, did not speak much about the terms of the settlement but did say, “There is no price that you can put on the life, on the loss, of a 12-year-old child.”

Hopefully Tamir’s family can find a way to heal. Lets chat below


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