Categories: Celebs

Things That Go Through Your Mind When You Don’t Wanna Eat What Mom Cooked

Did any of you guys grow up being a picky eater? Well, even if you aren’t a picky eater, everyone’s encountered a time when their mom cooked something that you just did not. want. to. eat!!
Remember when she’d say, “Well, if you don’t want to eat it, you can starve!” In your mind, you think to yourself…..

1.) Man, she got me f***** up if she think I’m going to just starve…


2.) I’m hungry though….

3.) Uggghhh this is not what I want!

4.) *Picks at the food*

5.) *Eye roll*

6.) *Feeds to the dog*

7.) No dog? *Flushes food down the toilet*

8.) If your mom didn’t play that ish like mine didn’t, she stared you down until you ate it all!

Just the worst!

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!

Kyle Simpson

Kyle Anfernee is the youngest out of The Shade Room Crew. Kyle is currently finishing his bachelors at Pepperdine University, and is expected to graduate this April with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. Kyle joined TSR back in October as an Intern, and has since been added to the team. Watch out for Kyle because he's on track to be the next Terrence Jenkins for sure!