For the kids who hate Donald Trump and have been on social media probably noticed the painting of Mr. Trump floating around with it insinuating that he’s apart of the teeny teeny weeny committee. It may have been all fun and games at first but it looks like he and is legal team never caught the joke!
According to The NY Daily News, the Los Angeles artist responsible for the painting which was entitled, “Make America Great Again”, has been threatened with a lawsuit! We’re guessing he wasn’t fond of the artist statement either where she wrote, “Because no matter what is in your pants, you can still be a big prick.”
Anyways, artist Illma Gore created the infamous painting back in February and says his legal team lawyers have reached out to her twice threatening lawsuits over the rights of publicity.
Well Gore seems to be unbothered because she says she will defend her work of art if she has too.“I don’t believe I did anything wrong,” she told the Daily News,“It’s my work and I’ll stand by it no matter what.”
Gore says that her painting has been a big hit amongst the people who have a real eye for art especially since it went on display in the Maddox Gallery in Mayfair, London this month, even recalls being offered £100,000!!
Too bad Trump supports are allegedly too busy being stalkerish and sending death and rape threats to be that enlightened about her less than Trump flattering picture.
The young artist also alleges that certain sites such as Twitter and Ebay have tried to censor her painting while Facebook actually slapped her with a legal action under for copyright violation under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act!
Well even through the threat of limited freedom of free speech, Gore is expected to drop another painting directed towards the presidential campaign pretty soon. Talk about not giving a f***!
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