To many who Ian Connor is still a mystery but he mostly known for being a style muse to hip hop stars like A$Ap Rocky, Travis Scott and Kanye West. Well with his rising popularity comes drama and not he’s being accused of rape!
An Emory University student, Malika Anderson, says that Ian forced her to have sex in a detailed blog post she titled “Ian Connor Is a Rapist, and I Know It Firsthand.”
She starts off by saying
“It’s been a while since I’ve written on here. And I’ve wanted to for a while because I always have a lot of thoughts and I’m always being inspired by the people I surround myself with, but I just haven’t gotten to it because I’ve been busy with school, stressed with life and my relationships, family tings, etc. But today I decided to write something because I want the world to know the truth. On my first post, 4 months after my sexual assault, I wrote about how the assault affected me and how the backlash I got from telling someone I loved the truth about what happened affected me. All of this was well before I decided to involve the police in my assault. But I am finally ready to say that I did. I pursued charges against Ian Connor for raping me. Yes, that’s right folks, Ian Connor–the fashion nigga people love to stan for–is a rapist. My detective never said I couldn’t talk about my case, but I decided not to because I wanted to get everything taken care of before I spoke about it publicly.”
The pair apparently met last year through social media. She alleges that she was familiar with Connor since they had hung out multiple times but never had sex before but she says it was on the third render-vous everything changed:
“The 3rd and last time we hung out I hit him up. He came to my crib in the morning and I figured we would just talk and chill per usual… But that isn’t what happened. We were sitting on my bed, just talking. and he asked if he could eat me out. I declined. And I told him I wasn’t trying to have sex. So he’s like okay. Then he asked again if he could eat me out. I said no again and he just kept asking. He was literally begging to eat me out and he said “we don’t gotta fuck, I just wanna eat it. I wanna eat your soul out girl” blah blah. And I was just like “nah I’m good” but he kept begging. Eventually, I gave in. I said “fine you can give me head”. Then he said “lemme eat it from the back”. So I laid on my stomach and pulled my pants down about halfway, the rest of my clothes were still on. He was fully clothed. He started to give me head. About 2 minutes later I felt his bare penis thrust inside of me *and he began to have sex with me*. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do and then I pushed him off of me and I was like wtf. And he says “your pussy is wavy. We should’ve did this a long time ago. We could’ve been dating” and I said “wtf I told you I didn’t want to have sex and you just did it…” And he says “so you tryna say I raped you” and at the time I hadn’t even processed what had just happened and I was like “I don’t know”. After that he left and said he was gonna text me. I was confused. I didn’t want to call it rape but I also couldn’t call it consensual sex because I had already told him I didn’t want to have sex with him and he took advantage of me being in a position in which he could penetrate me anyway when I wasn’t looking. It was diabolical. But at the time, I didn’t know how to think of it.”
She also says he gave her gonorrhea! Chile! Anyways she says the reason why she waited until now to speak is because her case is “basically closed” … not sure if thats a good or a bad thing.
Welp word got back to Ian and he had some pretty strong words to say via Twitter:
I Fucking Hate A Scene Hoe.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
I Get Off The Plane To Hear The Weirdest Shit.
I Swear Coming Up Is A Curse, Money Ain't Worth My Name Being Sabotaged.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
Ain't No Coincidence I Make My First Big Magazine Cover For A Bitch To Make Up Allegations For Her Own Self Esteem Purposes.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
No More Fake Afro Centric Hoes 2016.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
Swear This Is My Karma For Finessing Every Bitch I Came Across Just To Mentally Prove A Point.
Lmao The Universe Is Paying Me Back.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
But I Have Honesty On My Side, So I'm Literally Laughing At Whatever Life Throws At Me.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
Finesse Yea but Lie No.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
Yikes! Well many people have taken the stance against him but one person decided to take up for him… Justine Skye.
She tweeted and deleted shortly after because she was dragged up and down the Twitter timeline chile!
Question is who do you believe? Lets chat below!
TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG!