Categories: Celebs

“You Are All Going To F*** Die Tonight”: An Alleged Terror Threat Phoned In A Minute Before Tip-Off At the Lakers/Clippers Game!!!

In the wake of the many terror attacks happening overseas, many people are on edge about when or where the next attack could be on American soil. Well according to TMZ Sports, a threat had actually been called in for a possible attack at the Staples Center just one minute before tip-off at the Lakers vs Clippers game back in January!

Authorities say the call came in at about 7:29 p.m. PST  on Jan. 29th where a “robotic voice” had delivered a message allegedly via Skype saying “several people in the crowd seated strategically have explosives strapped to their chest and explosives in their shoes.”

Here’s what else the cryptic voice had to say:

“Some of them are also strapped with Glock 18, have guns and will shoot any patron that may come in their path. We are doing this for Allah and for Jihad. We are going to slaughter the patrons of tonight’s Lakers/Clippers game and there is no one that can stop us.”

“We have people hostage in some of the bathrooms already and we shot one in the knee cap. You are all going to f***** die tonight, you filthy Americans.”

As of right now there is a search warrant out but police have yet to find any suspects. We’re just glad everyone was able to enjoy the game without disruption. Lets chat below!


TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG!