Categories: Celebs

Black History Month: Spoken Words About Society Today!!

Music has always been used to reflect what the world was going through. Marvin Gaye gave us ‘What’s Going On?’ back in 1971 which came out during a time when police brutality plagued the black community as well. Crazy how history repeats itself today with the Trayvon Martins, Michael Browns, Freddy Grays and countless other unjustified police killings.

There seems to be a lack of hope nowadays, because in just the last year, we’ve witnessed the justice system fail us numerous times! Well in honor of Black History Month we are highlighting the words and actions people use today to tell our story and uplift our communities.

Heres an all too real spoken word piece made by a woman we just happened to come across on Xlive Africa’s Facebook page.

Click the link and check out this inspirational rap by this young lady and let’s talk!



TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!