Categories: Celebs

Ray J And Princess Love Are Hinting At Something Big On Social Media…Possible Wedding?

It looks like Ray J and his boo turned fiancee, Princess Love might be tying the knot soon…or at least thats what they want us to think!

Ray J has definitely been promoting his single “Curtains Closed” heavy lately and is currently on a Curtains Closed radio tour as so his social media says. The song is definitely beautiful but we can’t help but notice that Ray J and Princess Love as well as some close friends have been hinting at other things might begin the works also.

His buddy and actor, Jackie Long jumped off our suspicions when he posted this picture detailing something is happening in 5 days:


Ray J’s sister also just posted a picture also hinting at a countdown for something big happening between Ray J and Princess:

But what sealed the deal for us:

Nia Riley hasn’t really said much else on her page that hasn’t been already posted but what do you think? Are they tying the knot or is it the concept for a possible music video for his song?

Lets chat below!

TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG!