Tonight marked the beginning of the end of a very special time in history; President Obama made his eighth and final State of the Union address of his presidency. First of all, we must mention that the FLOTUS, Mrs. Michelle Obama was SERVING, okay?!
If you missed our president’s address, let us catch you up!
So in opening, Obama took the same angle he began his 2008 campaign with –change. He agreed that we first need to start with change in order to fix a “broken immigration system,” “[protect] our kids from gun violence,” and raise minimum wage. He put into perspective how we as a country are facing hard times and big problems but asked what we’re going to do moving forward – have fear or go in confidence? He broke down four key areas in which he felt have room to improve as a country: Security and equality in this new economy, making technology work for us instead of against us, foreign policy, and lastly, politicians who reflect what’s best in us and not worst in us.
What we really respect was his statement he offered more than once that not only will this change come about from more than just the president, but from the people as a whole –BUT that he doesn’t have preference on who the president is –either him or another president, as long as the job gets done effectively and to best serve the people.
In a nutshell, Obama served the idea of optimism on a silver platter. He was bold in recognizing areas where we are failing as a nation and humble enough to pledge his commitment to work toward change until his last day in office. He was also confident enough to print those receipts! Numbers don’t lie, and Obama has some winning numbers! Did y’all know that within the last three years, 900,000 jobs have been created?
He didn’t stop there though, he went on to talk about how education, of course is very detrimental to the advancement and maintenance of the economy and so for that reason education should be at least We’re not sure if y’all remember when he first proposed the bill to offer free community college for two years a while back but he brought that up and promised that he is still pushing to get it passed! So that was pretty exciting. He predicts some movement on it later in 2016.
He basically gave a bittersweet pep talk. It was most definitely worth the view. We wish him the best remainder of his term.
TSR inter: Chantel P.! Instagram: @_POPchanny | Twitter: @POPchanny