Categories: Celebs

Did Azealia Banks Lowkey Come For Rihanna On Twitter!?

As y’all know, Rihanna’s next project, “Anti” is upon us! So as everyone’s anticipating its arrival, we learned that Rih Rih supposedly reached out to Azealia Banks for a feature or two. Or at least that was Azealia’s story.

Anyways,  if you recall, last week, Ms. Banks showed up at an invite-only party in NYC and was denied entry. She threw her typical temper tantrum and screamed how she was on Rihanna’s album, as if that was supposed to do anything. The rapper got tossed out after only a few seconds thanks to her piss-poor attitude, and was arrested after attacking and spitting on a cop.
Well according to Rhymes With Snitch,  just a few days later Azealia took to Twitter to toss a little shade toward Rih Rih. She seemed a little upset about the album. Perhaps her features didn’t make the cut.

Her first tweet basically suggested, without saying any names that “this girl” weeded her out and asked for help but then got “intimidated” by her style and sound or in other words, Azealia did the feature and Rih felt it was too good and shut the whole operation down.

But that’s just what we’re getting from her tweets!

Then she said she would prefer to not be contacted for a collab if the other party is just going to “chicken out.” Now this is coming from the girl who had to use RiRi’s name to get into a party but we digress!

She agreed with one of her supporters who suggested that the other party “chickening out” was and ego thing. What y’all think? Coinkydink? Or did Azealia just come for Rih Rih?!


Source: Rhymes With Snitch,

TSR intern: Chantel P.! Instagram: @_POPchanny | Twitter: @POPchanny